Saturday 21 September 2013

Mum's Birthday

The weather was nice and sunny. We got off to a slow, but relaxing, start. It was mum's birthday wish to have two hours in Burford on her own. She says she wandered around the church graveyard and visited every shop! Mum found an 18 carat gold ring that she had to have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So her birthday money didn't last long (i still have some of my pounds from July). Dad & I picked mum up and we went to a gastro pub called The Swan hotel (pictured) in Bibury. I had a kids beef burger with chips for lunch and an ice cream with hot chocolate sauce for dessert.  Mum and dad had trout for entrĂ©e (I tried some of mum's and it was DELICIOUS). For main, mum had salmon and dad had lamb. For dessert, mum had toffee pudding and dad had cheese. To drink, I had lemonade, mum had a couple of glasses of bubbly and dad had a local beer. I thought that was the BEST restaurant I have EVER been to. We had a walk around Bibury and fed the ducks and swans with leftover chips and saw some BIG trout in the stream. After that we went back to Burford for one last look. Our next stop is Scotland.

Hi Riley's Mum here again! Big thanks to everyone for your birthday wishes for yesterday. I had a wonderful day. Loved my free two hours in beautiful Burford and had a long, relaxing look at all the cute shops. And as Riley said I started off with a stroll through the lovely old church (love nothing more than an old graveyard!)
Lunch was delightful in the amazing The Swan. It is so reasonable dining out here. The food was delicious and the French bubbles went down a treat. And Marty we are not taking any more foodie advice from you after the faggots incident!
The sun was shining and we even saw some blue skies - for the first time since we arrived.
Amazed to see huge trout in the stream outside the pub - wonder if their cousins were the trout on the menu? (Bill, you wouldn't have been able to resist that trout in the stream!)
Spent my birthday money on an old sapphire ring (1900-1920s) from an antiques shop in Burford - I am taking home a piece of the Cotswolds! I couldn't believe a dainty ring like that fitted my fingers - must have belonged to a farmer's wife with man hands!
This row of houses in this picture was a highlight of Bibury. Amazing that people live in them - looks more like a movie set. Well there is heartache ahead as we say farewell to the Cotswolds and head north to the land where people talk funny and the men wear skirts.
Jo xxx


  1. Hi Riley
    I'm glad to hear Mum had a pleasant, and rather profitable birthday!! Did she discover anything interesting in the grave yard?
    You sound like you'll be eating your way around the UK, trying out all the local delights. You might have to explain what "faggots" are, but it's obviously not too bad because Dad looks okay in the photo.....or was this the "BEFORE" shot??? Maybe you should post the "AFTER" shot. ;-)
    Looking forward to hearing about Scotland.
    Love Aunty Jayne xoxo

    1. Faggots is a rissole filled with all the animal insides. It's wrapped in like a sausage skin. It has a strong taste. "Been there, done that" says dad (wink wink)

  2. Absolutely nothing wrong with faggots.. Now Haggis can be a problem !Similar to faggots in as much as in OZ we don't generally eat those parts of an animal but tasteless I feel. In Scotand you can find some of the best kippers , trout and beef in the world !!! Riley get Daddy to pull in at Gretna Green.. Your parents can get married again over the anvil !!! I forgot you are going by train aren't you that will be big time fun.. You will find you can get pretty good food on the trains or at least something nice to eat maybe chocolate.... I look forward to reading your blog every day. I check it several times a day for updates.. It is real fun.. Dolly sends her love. I might even convince her to write something on your blog..When you are in Scotland buy your smoked trout. Don't try smoking them yourself..because firstly smoking is bad for you, secondly they are slippery in your lips and thirdly.. they are hard to light.. yuk, yuk yuk.. Riley I give you my permission to tell your parents that wonderful joke every ten minutes in case they forget.. Whilst on the train trip to pass the time, perhaps you could entertain your fellow travellers with a few bars of the " Mummy has hairy armpits " song.. I'm sure the other passengers would sing along with gusto !!! Enjoy Scotland little mate..
    Love Toss

    1. There wasn't any food because it was a weekend. Also, it's hairy legs, not hairy armpits.

  3. Great blog, Riley, but why do omit essential details such as your mother's age? Sorry you had problems with Mum and Dad on the Asian stopover. That's what comes of travelling with parents. - Kalesha's grandad

    1. Hi BuBu Dear. Great to hear from you. Riley knows that if he reveals his mother's age he is going to boarding school! We are now in Scotland - outside of Edinburgh is quite lovely. Now in a pub in Melrose having dinner. Keep in touch. Riley's Mum X

    2. Hi BuBu Dear. Great to hear from you. Riley knows that if he reveals his mother's age he is going to boarding school! We are now in Scotland - outside of Edinburgh is quite lovely. Now in a pub in Melrose having dinner. Keep in touch. Riley's Mum X
