Sunday 22 September 2013

Cranstouns at Cranstoun Church

Dad went and got the Volkswagen Jetta hire car from Europcar at Edinburgh. We headed off out of Edinburgh to Pathhead to the Cranstoun Church. We got there just as the ladies were closing up after church. We took some photos. We walked to the Oxenford Castle behind the church for a look before the lord of the manor's son (Lord Dalrymple) came back to his home and told us we were on private property!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We drove to north Berwick where dad and I had cheese and ham toasties at the sea life centre. We were looking out at the Firth of Forth and saw an island with a lighthouse. It had great scenery with big windmills that generate electricity. We drove to Newstead where we are staying at Speycaster cottage. We had dinner at Burt's pub in Melrose. Dad is trying haggis (dad says it's certainly a step up from faggots).

Hi again Riley's Mum here: Riley has gone to bed - he's exhausted so I'm jumping on his blog . It's the 24th now - Happy birthday Mother. Hope you had a wonderful day.
I didn't want to add on Riley's actual Sept 24 blog as he has to come back to it as he missed a couple of days after being without Wi-Fi connection in the cottage we were staying in Newstead, 1 mile from the delightful Scottish village of Melrose. We saw some absolutely glorious countryside yesterday - just how I imagined Scotland would look. Weather was superb too as you can see by these pics - blue skies and warm. Not so today!! I'll let Riley tell you what we did today.
Well the boys managed to drag me away from The Cotswolds. We drove out of our cottage at 6.15am for the trip to Cheltenham and the train. Ross decided to take a short cut to the main road - I felt I was in a Beatrix Potter novel with foxes and rabbits bouncing across the still dark narrow roads as we travelled through some tiny villages and farmland. Somehow we managed to find our way eventually to a main road with a sign pointing to Cheltenham.
The train trip passed quickly despite being more than six hours with a delay. Riley had free wi-fi on the train and was happy. Unfortunately we didn't have time for breakfast and thought we'd get food on the train but discovered they don't provide a food service on weekend trains! The train got really crowded just before Newcastle - must have had a round-ball game there last weekend.
We passed some uninspiring scenery north to Scotland - those major cities/towns look very sad! Can't say I was all that impressed with Edinburgh either. As the train travelled through that early Scottish countryside and entered Edinburgh, I thought "Should have listened to Jen and gone to Paris.''
Every second shop in Edinburgh is a cheap tartan/souvenir trader run by Indians. But I did find a T-shirt I just had to buy for Baghwan (hope you are following Riley's blog, Baggie?)
However, the next day as we headed further away from Edinburgh we encountered some really beautiful countryside. Scotland is delightful - away from the big cities!
We are now in Sterling and tomorrow off to see the bonnie bonnie banks of the Loch Lomond.
The Scottish people are delightful and always up for a chat.
Off for a wee sleep myself. Much love to all. Jo XXX


  1. A step up from faggots.. Good Lord !!! Riley a question.. If that man was invisible then how come you could see him ?? Get Dad to try a Mowbray pie !!! He'll love it... And many rural bakeries do excellent pastys !!! So glad to hear your all having fun.. Imagine Dad not getting lost. Has he taken the map off Mum perhaps??
    Love Toss

  2. Dear Riley,
    Great to her you are now travelling in style in a real VW - no more Skoda pseudo VWs but a real Golf with a boot (AKA a Jetta!).
    Favourite Uncle.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Darling Grandson, Jo & Ross,
    So pleased to hear that you are having a good time and have good pictures of your travels. I miss my grandson coming to visit me. It's funny but the "Monkey Juice", chocs and ice-creams seem to last much longer! I wonder why?
    It's my birthday and I have got some lovely cards and presents from relatives and friends. Thank you so much for your lovely card and present. It's great and I will wear it on Sunday.
    On the kitchen bench was a large present - a KitchenAid mixer and card from Brenton. So good, and now I won't have to beat cakes by hand as my old Sunbeam mixer went 'phut'!!
    Daniela thinks Rex can understand English! She gave him mashed potato, carrots and broccoli with his meal. When she went to check on him he had eaten the potato and carrot but left the broccoli. She said "Oh, Rex that's not nice you have left your greens!" He looked at her, ran to the bowl, threw the broccoli up in the air and swallowed it. Dougie is trying to get him used to the pool. They love him and send photos of him back to Melbourne.
    We are fine. They prayed for you and missed you at church and send their love.
    Keep having a wonderful holiday and take good photos. We love and miss you.
    Lots of love, hugs and kisses,

  5. Riley, Your godfather is addicted to your blog. I get up as you know at 2.06 AM each morning to go to work at my essential service job. I am finding myself cranking up the computer each morning to check the blog. Then once I'm home I check the blog again!!!
    Please tell us all about the things you see and the people you meet... Tell your Mum each town or large village will have a market day... A centuries old tradition... They are maybe not as exotic as the markets on the continent but generally you can buy good quality clothes, vegetables, meat, fish and sometimes jewelry... You should be able to find out your areas market days easy enough !!! But beware the Gypsy's.. They do not enjoy a very good reputation throughout Europe and for good reason !!

    Keep up the good work with your very interesting blog Riley. We are enjoying it immensely...
    Love Toss

  6. Hi Dawnie. Go the Hawks! They have ties with Tassie so got to support them. We are having a great time. Saw some amazing Scottish countryside yesterday and the weather was fantastic - then. Today not so good, lots of low cloud and overcast. We are now in Sterling in Scotland and off to Loch Lomond tomorrow. Riley has crashed tonight so will get him to post on his blog in the morning so won't spoil his news of what we saw today. Lots of love Jo XXX
